Advanced Setup

This section is for developper only. If you have access to the repository (not only the wheel file) in order to adapt the workflow or to participate to FRF developpement.

You will need to setup you environment and to clone the repository

Setup the linux environment in Total PC

Open the .bashrc file in order to edit the environment paths (Using an editor like vim)

Add the following:

conda create --name frfenv python=3.8
# User specific aliases and functions
export PATH=/data/pau_hpda/projects/DACC/FRF/Anaconda/anaconda3/bin:${PATH}
export frf_wdir=/data/pau_hpda/users/<user IGG>
export frf_data=/data/pau_hpda/projects/DACC/FRF/data
alias pycharm=/data/appli_PITSI/soft/tools/IDE/pycharm/
source activate frf_v1

Clone the Bitbucket repo

Before starting, you should make sure you have a way to access git commands. This can be done either by logging to an XRAI session, and directly use terminal, or from Windows using tools such as Git Bash or Sourcetree. Set up proxies

Before you can use the repository, it is mandatory to configure git on your unix instance. To do so, open the terminal and type the following commands.

git config --global http.sslVerify false
git config --global https.proxy 'http://<your_IGG>:<windows_password>@emeamai-px01.main.glb.corp.local:8080/'
git config --global http.proxy 'http://<your_IGG>:<windows_password>@emeamai-px01.main.glb.corp.local:8080/'

Clone the repo

You need to copy the URL of the repo (available in the top right in Azure Devops). For frflib :

To clone the repo, run one of the following commands you can follow the azure instruction.

## Basic clone

Setup the proxy for conda:

Open the file condarc

Setup the environment in Windows:

Here are some indications on setting up the environment in windows. Contact FRF team to have some additional support

  • First download and install anaconda in c:/local/anaconda

  • Setup the git:
    • Install git to C:LocalGit

    • add the following env variable: C:LocalGitcmd

  • Setup the the proxy for conda:
    • Locate .condarc file - normally located in c:/user/jxxxx/.condarc

    • Update the condarc as previously explained => To add proxy to condarc

  • Add the following environment variables:
    • PATH: C:LocalAnacondaScripts / C:LocalAnacondacondabin /

  • For PIP proxy (Needed to use PIP for installation), add the following env variables:
    • HTTP_PROXY: http://<IGG>:<WindowsPasswor>@emeamai-px01.main.glb.corp.local:8080/

    • HTTPS_PROXY: http://<IGG>:<WindowsPasswor>@emeamai-px01.main.glb.corp.local:8080/

  • Installing requirements from file requirement.txt using conda or PIP install

For frflib proto, one package (geopandas) has some issues for installation and needs a particular procedure for instalation: