Data Analysis - Curve Types

version - 1.0 (IN PROGRESS)

The purpose of this notebook is to do some basic datanalysis and exploration - it needs the field data - quicklook forecast (or final forecast) in order to analyse the full history of the well

It allows to do: - Computation of curve types - Plots of curve types - Fitting for curve types - Test forecasting based on curve types hypothesis

Library loading:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import logging
from frflib.forecast_methods import forecast_wf

from frflib.utils.curve_types import curve_type, plot_curve_type, plot_single_curvetype,merge_category
from frflib.config.config_func import get_var_type
from frflib.config.config_func import get_var_fromvar
from frflib.forecast_tools.datamanip_tools import reindex_df
from frflib.utils.dataframe_func import df_fast_loc

from frflib.plots.utils import get_group_colors
from frflib.utils.curve_types import plot_curve_type

from frflib.forecast_methods.forecast_wf import ForecastWF
from frflib.data_class import input_data
from importlib import reload
import inspect
import frflib
InputData= input_data.InputData
PATH_FRFLIB= os.path.dirname(inspect.getsourcefile(frflib))
PATH_TO_DATA= os.path.join(PATH_FRFLIB,"sample_data")

Data Import


field_data = InputData.load_hdf(DATA_PATH)
wf = ForecastWF.load_from_hdf( WF_PATH, field_data)
field_data_enriched = wf.enriched_data
df_full = wf.get_result_summary(include_stat=True)

If the worklow is going to be applied on a subset of data. It can be extracted using the function subset or a well lsit

## curve type


groupby_val = ['reservoir']
min_elements = 10
df_dynamic = wf.enriched_data.df_dynamic

Compute curve type

serie_groupby = merge_category(field_data.df_static, groupby_val, min_elements=min_elements)
df_type_curve,df_dyn_resample = curve_type(df_dynamic, serie_groupby, percentile=percentile,min_active_months=min_active_months )

plot result


map_colors = get_group_colors(df_type_curve.reset_index(), 'groupby', min_elements=0, select_top=None, color_scale='tab10')
plot_curve_type(df_type_curve,var_plots=['oil_rate_stbd', 'oil_cum_mmbbl', 'bsw_vv', 'liq_rate_stbd'],
plot_single_curvetype(df_type_curve, df_dyn_resample, group = 'Deltaic',
                     var_plots = ['oil_rate_stbd', 'bsw_vv', 'gor_vv', 'liq_rate_stbd'],
                     color_list = ['green', 'blue', 'pink'], percentile = [0.2,0.5,0.8],
                    range_x = [0,25])

Scatter plot of wells

df_plot = df_full.join(serie_groupby).dropna()
from frflib.plots.plotly_ import plot_histogram,plot_time_serie, plot_stacked_series, plot_scatter

scatter_param ={
    'title': 'Well map - AMAL',
'x_axis': 'x_bh_m' ,
'y_axis': 'y_bh_m',
'x_range': [0.27e+6,0.3e+6],
'y_range': [0.915e+6,0.935e+6], # [2,4.5],
# 'xaxis_type' : None,
# 'yaxis_type' : None, #log
'color' : 'groupby', # 'field'#'sub_group_res' #
'size' : 'max_oil_rate_stbd', #'max_oil_rate_stbd'
'symbol' :'groupby' ,#'reservoir', #"reservoir",# None,
'same_scale': True,
'height' : 600,
'width' : 900,
# 'trendline' : 'ols' #'ols' #None, #'ols'

# correct the axis names

Export csv

filename_export = 'curve_type.csv'

Fit Curve Types

The objective of this section is to fit all the curve types by parameters

df_type_curve['P50_oil_cum_mmbbl'] = df_type_curve['P50_oil_rate_stbd'].groupby('groupby').cumsum()*30.5*1e-6
df_type_curve['active_days'] = 25
from frflib.forecast_tools.fitters.fitter_catalog import FitDCAHyperPlateau, FitSigmoid
from frflib.forecast_tools.fitters.abs_fitter_class import fit_group, plot_group_fit

FitterClass = FitDCAHyperPlateau
fitter_param = {'min_fit_points':3}
data = df_type_curve #.loc[df_type_curve.count_oil_rate_stbd>2]
x_var = 'P50_oil_cum_mmbbl'
y_var = 'P50_oil_rate_stbd'

df ,fit_dict = fit_group(data, x_var, y_var,FitterClass,**fitter_param)
from frflib.plots.matplotlib_ import plot_group_fit
plot_group_fit(df, fit_dict, y_var,x_axis=x_var, well_list='all')
No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.
No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.
No artists with labels found to put in legend.  Note that artists whose label start with an underscore are ignored when legend() is called with no argument.

Blind Test Based curve types forecast:

wl_list = df_full.loc[df_full.reservoir.isin(['Deltaic'])].index
field_data_nw = field_data.subset(wl = wl_list)
# field_data_nw.df_static.loc[field_data_nw.df_static['polygone']=='0']
from frflib.forecast_methods import forecast_wf,forecast_new_wf
forecast_new_wf = reload(forecast_new_wf)
ForecastNewWF = forecast_new_wf.ForecastNewWF
general_forecast_params = {
    'forecast_name': 'wf_ctype',
    'forecast_end_date': "01/01/2040",
    'forecast_fluids': ['oil','water'],
    'forecast_mode': 'blind_test',  # 'forecast_mode': 'forecast',blind_test
    'abandonned_wells': 5,
    'uptime_selection': 'constant_value',
    'constant_value': 1.0,
    'period_for_avg_months': 12,
    'short_term_forecast_adjustment': 0,
    'blind_test_duration': 60,
para_ctype_nodatefilter = [{
    'forecaster_name': 'curve_type_oil',
    "learn_x": 'cum_active_days',
    'groupby_category': 'reservoir'
    'forecaster_name': 'curve_type_bsw',
    "learn_x": 'cum_active_days',
    'groupby_category': 'reservoir'

para_ctype_datefilter = [{
    'forecaster_name': 'curve_type_oil',
    'early_date_filter': '1/1/2006',
    "learn_x": 'cum_active_days',
    'groupby_category': 'reservoir'

Blind test setup:

The idea is to test what would be the forecast for a given number of wells when selecting a curve type based on average behavior. All the wells that started after a certain date will be removed and then forecast based on the group to which they belong It is possible also to filter some wells based on start-up date to take into account only the more recent wells

Blindtest parameters:

# wf_ctype_bt_nofilter = ForecastNewWF.execute(field_data_enriched, general_forecast_params, para_ctype_nodatefilter, nproc=1)
# general_forecast_params['forecast_name']= 'wf_ctype_date_filter'
# wf_ctype_bt = ForecastNewWF.execute(field_data_enriched, general_forecast_params, para_ctype_datefilter, nproc=1)


# from frflib.plots.forecast_plots import plot_group_forecast
# y_axis = 'oil_rate_stbd'
# fig_field = plot_group_forecast([wf_ctype_bt, wf_ctype_bt_nofilter], color_list = ['red', 'yellow', 'orange', 'grey'], x_axis='date', y_axis =y_axis)
#y_axis = 'water_rate_stbd'
#fig_field = plot_group_forecast([wf_ctype_bt, wf_ctype_bt_nofilter], color_list = ['red', 'yellow', 'orange', 'grey'], x_axis='date', y_axis =y_axis)
Well by well:
from frflib.plots.forecast_plots import *
#plot_wells([wf_ctype_bt, wf_ctype_bt_nofilter],x_axis='date', y_axis_list = ['oil_rate_stbd', 'oil_cum_mmbbl'],well_list ='all')
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