FRF Library

FRF lib is a python library built originally in order to develop a workflow to forecast existing wells production for oil and gas. It associates a Python modules and a set of jupyter notebooks. The modules are exactly the same the one which are used in the web application. An additional API layer has been built in order to communicate the front and FRF library.

The library is available for internal use. It allows a more deep analysis of the data and better tailor made development. However it needs a certain knowledge of python and more in depth introduction to the developed modules.

The FRF team made the choice to make it available to the reservoir community upon requirement. It is also the basis of all prototyping before including the new development in the web app.

Environment Installation:


We assume that you have a working python 3.8 environment with pip. We recommend using anaconda if you don’t have one. Here after a quick explanation of the installation of the frflib using the wheel file (contact frf team to obtain the last version or can be downloaded in the repository using the azure credential)

For more advanced access to the repository Advanced Setup


If you already have a conda installation, you can create a new environment dedicated to frflib

conda create --name frfenv python=3.8

and then activate it:

conda activate frfenv

Now, you just have to install the library using pip. Copy the .whl into the correct directory and install it as follow:

pip install frflib-

And that’s it ! frflib is now installed in your environment. Now you can run FRF the notebooks that will be provided by the team.

If you have access to the FRF repository, you will them in the directory notebook. However you will need to install jupytext:

conda install jupyter
conda install jupytext

You will find here

Jupyter Notebooks:

(To be finalized)

In the following link, you will find some demo the jupyter notebook provided by the team: - Single Workflow: - Multi real Workflow: - Data Analysis: