Analog Wells

Analog wells forecaster allows to find the best analog wells to perform a type curve forecast. The analogy metric is based on similar historical production profile depedning on the fluid selected (oil,liquid,water,gas)

Forecaster parameters are:

  • abscissa to use for fit: fix the x axis used to compare production profiles, potential vs cum_active_days or potential vs cum_produced.

  • category: well category used to search analogs. e.g if reservoir is selected, the analogs must belong to the same reservoir as the forecasted well. “None” value will lead to an investigation in the whole data set.

  • number of neighbors for interpolation: number of analog wells to average for each selected well.

Analog wells forecaster parameters

In the example below, well OP-01 is forecasted using analog wells. Right graphic displays 5 wells that experienced a comparable historical production to OP-01 (profile comparison done on first 2000 active days). These wells have already been forecasted with a fit forecaster (in this case an oil dca), averaging their enriched data provides a type curve (red curve) used to forecast OP-01.

Analog Wells example

Analog wells must be combined with a fit forecaster (e.g DCA forecaster). This forecaster could be used for: - Oil / Liquid / Gas forecast - BSW or GOR forecast